Why get fixed wire inspection and testing done?
As with most things in this world the electrical installation within any building can deteriorate, get damaged, or just age so much that it becomes un-usable or un-fit for purpose hence causing an installation to be unsafe
The purpose of carrying out an electrical installation condition report is to highlight these hazards to the customer and making them aware of anything that may be existing within the electrical installation of a property or of something that has the potential to become dangerous if left un-attended, it is an important part of maintenance within any building and by having this in place as part of your ongoing maintenance plan managers, directors etc are helping to show they are complying with their statutory requirements on keeping electrical installations within any business safe. Upon completion of our inspections and tests we will issue the customer with a condition report highlighting all accessible aspects of the electrical installation which give rise to danger with advice offered to the customer should any remedial works be required to obtain a satisfactory result.